Sinclair Law


I believe June 25, 2017, was indeed the HOTTEST day of summer…so far…HOWEVER…we braved the awful heat, and ventured down to Grant Station, on US#1, in Grant, Florida, to attend the forming up meeting of the new Rocket Coast Chapter of the Antique Motorcycle Club of America.

The parking area was host to MANY antique machines, including Flatties, Knucks, Pans, Shovels, Beemers, Nortons, and BSA’s…

not all bone stock, mind you, but OLD, never-the-less….That’s what counts.

Grant Station is a quaint restaurant, featuring an antique decor, including an old gas pump, a wooden water tower, an old buggy, and an ancient Sears Allstate scooter…I probably missed a few…please forgive me…! The food is excellent, served promptly in a comfortable air-conditioned surrounding.

President, Jim Kuhman gave a short talk about the many reasons for joining, (and forming) the Rocket Coast Chapter. There was also a question & answer session to cover any doubts anyone may have had.

All in all, despite the heat, a very enjoyable time.

Call Jim to get the story on joining up…321-543-8944…

Thanks to the club for an enjoyable day…

Miserable George

Sinclair Law
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