Sinclair Law

The weather was a bit “iffy” for the big CREW JAM-XXV, held this year at Lee Wenner Park in Cocoa Village…on the Indian River, right next to the 520 Causeway Bridge.

Crew Jam is one of the larger family type events in the area, organized by Nanci Risola, and, as always, it drew a very nice crowd.

No admission to get in, just a donation for food, etc. Two live bands…”Twisted Minds”, and “Risola Blues Jam”, kept the gang hoppin’ all afternoon.

My friends from Ohio enjoyed the party too!! We closed out a few odds and ends concerning Rebecca Avery’s latest book…nice area for that little photo shoot…thanks to all concerned. I was glad to see ValGal there too…down from a magazine-bike-babe-shoot in Orange City!!!

That’s always a busy day for Nanci Risola too…that lady never stops…all day long…making certain that everything is running smoothly!! I always have a blast at this event…GOOD photo opps!! Lots of lovely ladies, dressed for HOT weather…YEAH!!! As always…the food was very tasty, and kept coming all afternoon! Kudos to the cook…sorry, never DID get his name, but, he did a good job!!

Looking forward to JAM XXVI…put it on your “to do list”…!!!

Hey, ride safe, and support our troops…!!!

Miserable George

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