Sinclair Law

This was my first visit to Post 359 since their back deck re-build, and, I tell ya, I was amazed!!! The completed project now features about double the floor space, stage, and, 2 (count ‘em) 2 serving bars, plus a ramp for wheelchair access!! Everything built from weather-proof material, so, it will last. PLUS…in the works…additional parking space!!

Folks, this organization went out of their way to make a fabulous party venue…all for YOU!!! AND YES, there were several large fans to help with cooling during these hot spells we’ve been suffering through!!

As usual, the cooks did a fabulous job, especially with those famous half-pound burgers…they truly are the best!!

The Spanks Band had the ladies hopping around out there, despite the over powering heat, and the Jello-shot girl did her job well!!!

Also present was Mack, the former FOX 35 Weather Baby…8 months old now, and almost ready to walk!!

Folks, if you’re looking for a fantastic party place, American Legion Post 359 on U.S.#1, just north of Port St. John is your spot!!

Bike Day is always the 1st. Saturday of the month…good food, good music, babes, drinks, the works…! We’ll be lookin’ for ya.

Ride safe, and, stand up for your country…

Miserable George & ValGal

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