Sinclair Law

    April 15, 2017…6 years for Harry and Deb at the Roadhouse, and starting OSB’s third year.

The weather was absolutely fantastic…perfect day to ride. The crowd trickled in during the course of the afternoon, and, in no time at all, the place was jumpin’…!!

A good live band in the afternoon to warm things up, THEN, the feature band…DRIVEN…wowed the gang in the evening hours.

As always, good food was had in abundance, the bar was bustling, a 50/50 drawing, and awards were given out to the winning hot rod and motorcycle.

Much to the delight of the guys…there were LOTS of pretty ladies prancing around, and, we DID corner one for a nice photo shoot…thanks CHLOE!!!

Here’s to many more years for Harry and Deb…they’ve done wonders with the place. OSB will always try our best to keep the area riders informed…H&D and OSB….a perfect combination for FUN!!! Hey, that’s what it’s all about…right…?

Miserable George & ValGal


Miserable George’s Pics

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ValGal’s Pics

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