Sinclair Law

Well, I had hundreds of pictures to go thru for Leesburg BikeFest so I picked the best of the best and split the stories up to feature some of the bands. I got some great shots!…

Leesburg this year was AWESOME!!! First thing I need to do is Thank Emily Cook for all her help getting me out there and shooting all weekend… Loves you Girlie!

The weather wanted to be an issue but it turned out to be a pretty nice weekend, Coldish but it IS November.

Met alot of nice people this year. Lots of friends from Brevard came out to enjoy the music, and there was LOTS of music! Funny how you drive 2-3 hours from home to party in another town and end up with your friends from HOME 😀 We had an awesome time !!!  Shout out to SANITY JEWELRY… THANK YOU for the boot knife!

May be an image of knife and saddle-stitched leather

It is AWESOME! GO TO SANITY for all your knife and jewelry needs,

WELL worth it! Please ENJOY the pictures!
