Sinclair Law

 At Christmas time, no matter what your views and/or opinions are of a certain organization, if that organization is helping to give the kids a happier holiday than they normally might have…we’ll support that organization.

Kids are kids, and if they’re needy ones, thank GOD there are people out there who will look after them, and try to make them happy. AND, what makes a kid happy….? TOYS, make a kid happy. Most of the time, toys are a little one’s whole world, and these little ones are not just concentrated on the Space Coast, so, it’s comforting to know that there are people out there who will take care of the kids in the out-lying areas as well.

I think the up-coming Toy Runs in our area…there are two this year…will pretty much cover it…the locals, and the not-so-locals. We ask you, the riders out there, to support either, OR BOTH of these runs. We certainly wish everyone out there, all the best for the Christmas Season…!!

Miserable & ValGal and Co.

Old School Biker Magazine

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