Sinclair Law

Hello, and welcome to our preview issue of Old School Biker Magazine.

Miserable George and his daughter Valgal have been on the motorcycle scene for decades, with Valerie literally growing up in the lifestyle. (Well, growing up may be the wrong phrase, but she has been here all her life!) Recent changes in circumstance and technology have made it possible for them to start this magazine, that hopefu lly, will give them their own voice in the community that they love so much.

We hope that OSB Magazine can provide several things
for the biker community.

First and foremost of course are the pictures that George and Valerie capture at so many great events.

Second, we want to bring you news and stories that matter to you, providing actual information that you can use and enjoy, not just a collection of pictures and ads. (so please drop us an email and let us know what you want to see/hear)

Third we want to let you know about upcoming local and national events. We have lots of other great ideas, too many to list here, that we plan to develop into monthly features for our readers.

george(Miserable) George Guignet has been photographing and reporting the
biker world for decades and his work
has appeared in national and local biker magazines, on book covers, and even on TV. It just doesn’t get any more old school than George.
Hell, he still rides the shovel that he bought new back in ’81!

Miserable George













ValGal (then and now!)

Valerie (Valgal) Guignet was brought up right here in the lifestyle, and is old school biker right down to her road rash! She has followed in George’s footsteps and has worked as a studio photographer for many years, and in recent years, her event photos have
appeared in local and national magazines.





This is our preview issue, SO please forgive us a few typos and the fact that we may be a little rough around the edges. The new tech that I mentioned above has allowed us to publish this digital edition. Testing is going forward, so be prepared for some changes as we refine this and try to find the best system for us, and a system that is the most enjoyable for you, the reader.

George and Valerie are going to be “On the Run” in the east central Florida area with their cameras clicking, so keep your eyes peeled for them!

We also plan to cover stories from around the country (world?) so if you have pictures/stories/news for us, please send it in. We will let the magazine design itself around our readers submissions, so send those pictures and stories and let’s see where this thing goes.

Filling OSB Magazine with pictures is great, but we want to give you more than just a five minute stack of pictures. Plans are in the works for a builder feature each month with pics and details on bikes and builders who have that old school style. Other features will include “Biker Girl” of the month, tips, interviews with people prominent in our community, routes, trips, weapons, bars and restaurants. There may be more, there may be less, it will all depend on you, so please let us know what works for you and what doesn’t.

We have set up a Google calendar and we will be providing EDIT access to it for any group, club, business or organization that wants to add their events to our calendar. lt will be in the magazine and also available on our website, so contact us and let us know that you want to post your events and we will set you up as an admin on the calendar. This may also help you plan your event on days that don ‘t have anything else going on in your area.

Thank you for taking the time to read our preview issue. We worked hard to get it out to you in a hurry, so it’s not perfect, but it is a labor of love.

The main reason we started OSB Magazine is to give Valerie and George a place to express themselves. They will be out there “On the Run” taking pictures with or without the magazine and I think that’s what is going to make this special. Our main goal is to bring you the information, popularity or success would be great, but delivering an image of the fun and passion that we have for this lifestyle is all the reward that we need.

We hope you will enjoy OSB Magazine
as much as we enjoy making it.

George, Valerie
and the Crew at OSB