Dec. 2, 2018 dawned bright and mostly clear…a bit cool in the early hours, but, warming up FAST…perfect riding weather. AND, ride they did…
well over 500 machines…laden with goodies for the less fortunate kids of Brevard County.
They assembled at Merritt Square Mall, right in front of Macy’s huge store…we thank you Macy’s for THAT!!! We made the rounds to the strains of some old-time country music, provided by a mobile DJ.
I left a few minutes ahead of the main body, to secure a spot along the route to the ending point…Post #1, just north of Titusville.
There was no police escort this year, so I had to capture increments of the column as it was broken up by traffic lights along the way. I got my shots from almost ½ mile away, with my long lens, on a high spot on 405 near US#1. The column came into view as it topped the 405 Draw Bridge.
Then, it was on to American Legion Post #1…! By the time I got there, the bikes were all parked…on just about every available square foot of property at #1…a fabulous sight indeed!!
Many vendors of all kinds, 2 live bands, Doc Holiday, and the friendliness of the staff at Post #1. Many toys were collected, so a bunch of kids will have a Merry Christmas!! There was an auction, and of course…the 50/50 drawing.
Folks, by this time, this old boy was bushed!! We’d like to offer our thanks to the entire staff of Post #1…you people are 2nd. to none, and to all the countless folks who pitched in. Special thanks go to Space Coast Motorcycle Alliance and Robin Bailey for a flawless day. Maybe this was “step #1” to getting things back to where they were in the “old days”. As long as we keep getting the cooperation we got on Toy Run Sunday this year…this event will thrive, as it certainly must, to keep our future leaders(the kids) happy.
We thank GOD for a safe day, and for the fabulous weather.
Hey, remember our vets and fighting men and women all over the world, and…stand up for your country!!!
GOD bless you all….
Miserable George & ValGal