Sinclair Law


This was an event that I had looked forward to for awhile now, and the weatherman really cooperated. Afternoon thunder showers are the norm for our area, but, not today…it was perfect…a bit warm maybe…but nice. We were honored with the presence of Barry Roberts, American Legion Chaplain, and Chris Hamrick, 12th. District Commander. Mr. Roberts did give a very inspiring talk about the needs of Veterans, after which a donation was taken up…a long line actually formed to get to the donation jug….you don’t see THAT very often…!!! Music was provided by the SCHD All American Band, along with HD’s Tim Bishop. Also, the Hamburger Man was there again, along with lots of other goodies to whet your appetite , plus 2 outside bars on the huge, new patio deck, which by the way, was packed with vets and friends. One thing I really liked, was the huge American Flag hanging up alongside the deck, and the playing of the National Anthem….no kneeling here folks!!! All in all, a very entertaining and inspirational day. Remember our Vets…always, and GOD bless them…

Miserable George & ValGal

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