
Legion Post 359….BIKE DAY by Miserable George

    The forecast for Legion Post 359 Bike Day…May 4, 2019, was for showers and storms later in the day, and indeed, they came on…big time!! But, in the meantime, there was fun to be had at 359.

When I got there, the Spanks Band was already on stage, doing what they do best!! The chief cook had the grill covered with goodies, and, there was a nice line of folks, waiting to partake of the best burgers in Brevard County!!! Lots of the cold stuff to go around too!!

I noticed that the main parking lot has been enlarged…that’s the staff at 359…always looking out for us…thanks guys!!! Thanks too, to all the folks who picked up their Old School Biker Magazine at 359…we handed out several more while we were there!!

Hot weather, not-with-standing, folks were dancing up a storm…uh-oh…did I say “storm?” She blew in late in the afternoon…nasty!!! BUT, it was a FUN DAY anyway…always is, on BIKE DAY at 359…see ya all next time.

Remember our Vets, and, stand up for your country!!!

Miserable George

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ALLIE and a CHEVVY by Miserable George

 OK folks, we’re back…on a blistering  HOT day at the Hot Rod Garage of my friend, Jimmy. We were lucky today…no rain!!! Our little friend is Allie, wearing her favorite little PIN-UP Sailor dress, and, a brand new outfit she just got. We hope you’ll all enjoy the layout, and, with any luck…we just MIGHT get Allie in front of our cameras again sometime. 


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32nd Moving Wall & All Veterans Reunion by Miserable George

   This huge event, the 32nd Moving Wall & All Veterans Reunion, began with the assembly of motorcycles, and various other necessary vehicles, at the BCC Campus on Clearlake Rd. in Cocoa, Fl, on Sunday, May 5, 2019. ValGal covered this phase of the event, while I proceeded directly to my usual vantage point on high ground in the Pineda area.

As always, local law enforcement agencies expertly handled the immense amount of traffic associated with an event of this size. There were no tie-ups that I knew of, although, there’s always some grumbling by motorists that are held up by the very long column of nearly 800 motorcycles and support vehicles.

After shooting my pictures, I proceeded to Wickham Park to shoot the next phase…setting up the Wall, and other displays, associated with America’s conflicts, which showed the names of combat people who lost their lives protecting our country and our rights. Very sad to see those thousands of names. This ended my day at the Park, but, I would return the following Saturday for the actual reunion.

    Saturday, May 11, 2019, dawned bright and clear, with a scourge of the cursed Love Bugs, which had been invading our area for the past week…Mother Nature fought us, but, I think we won…at least THIS battle!!

I arrived at the park in time for the landing of 3 combat helicopters, after which, was the Presentation of the Colors Ceremony, opening prayers , and our National Anthem, a very solemn segment of the day’s activities.

Noted local DJ, Doc Holiday was doing his usual bang-up job with the music, and, I had the honor of meeting two WW2 veterans…God Bless ‘em!! By this time, all the vendors were set up, with all manner of military goods…there was food, drink, and snacks of every description as well.

Over in the Wall area, all displays were in order, and being viewed by a huge crowd, including many younger people…let’s hope that THEY never have to go through what the people on the Wall did…!

This year, as like last, the helicopters flew low over the pond behind the Wall, dipping their noses down in tribute…it was quite a sight…very moving…!!  

Now, it was time for this old boy to head for home…a home I could retain, thanks to the sacrifices of the many who are named on the Wall. GOD BLESS them all. Please, support our troops, and, stand up for your country!!! Ride safe…

Miserable George

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BIN RUN 2019 by ValGal

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LEESBURG BIKEFEST – 2019 by Miserable George

As far as I could tell, the 23rd. Annual Leesburg Bikefest was the largest yet…

including vendors, motorcycles, events, entertainment, and, of course…PEOPLE…! One group actually came down from Canada…!!

As always, law enforcement was there, but kept a low profile, unlike some OTHER events I could mention!!! While I was there, I didn’t see a single problem, even though alcohol IS permitted on the street…! The sidewalks were kinda crowded, including the usual baby buggies and dog petters.

Motorcycle traffic was well managed, with NO 4-wheelers on Main St…..the way it SHOULD be!!

As always, the Rat’s Hole Bike Show was fabulous, and under the big tent, Radical Randy was running a heads-up chain of events, including the Miss Rat Mate contest. As usual, the girl I picked didn’t win, but, she was 2nd. Runner-up…!

No admittance on the high building this year…something about security…but, all in all…lots of good photo opps.

My thanks to the Leesburg Partnership, Ken Cordes, Radical Randy and Mandy Wettstein, for all your help. We had a fabulous day, a bit tiring,  but, FUN!! Hope to do it again next year!!!

Ride safe, remember our troops, and, stand up for your country…

Miserable George

Legion Post 1…2019 Bike Day by Miserable George

Saturday, April 13th. dawned hot and beautiful…perfect for Legion Post #1 to hold their Bike Day.

The Space Coast HD All-stars Band was playing, and did draw quite a few dancers…even in the heat!

Inside the spacious pavilion, there were fans to cool it a bit, and lots of tables, plus the bar and…FOOD!!! Outside, 2 lovely bike washers were hard at work, as was the gorgeous Alexsis, PR Lady for Miracle City HD, informing everyone of the brand new dealership in Titusville…!!

There were door prizes, an auction, and of course…the 50/50…!  All in all, a very pleasant way to wile away a few hours on a beautiful Spring day in the Sunshine State..!!

Folks, support your Vets, stand up for your country, and ride safe…see ya next time…OK?

Miserable George

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Save the Clubhouse….at the MOB… by Miserable George

Well, Sat. ,April 6th. was a busy day for this old boy…we covered the Law Ride, and right after that, we boogied down to Melbourne to check out an event that the MOB had organized to “Save the Clubhouse”. Not sure what THAT means, but, there was a nice crowd there to participate. Live music…(never got the name of the band), food, drink…the works. Oh yeah, lots of gorgeous ladies too.

There will be another event coming up soon, with Biker Games….watch for that one…always exciting!

Oh, by the way, Sandra promised me Chicken ‘N Dumplings at the next event…!! Beautiful weather this time out too…hope it sticks around for awhile.

I thank the MOB for their hospitality.

Hey, thank a Vet, stand up for your country, and, we’ll see ya next time…

Miserable George

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LAW RIDE…2019 by Miserable George

Saturday, April 6th., dawned bright and clear, for the running of the celebrated 17th. annual Brevard County Sheriff’s LAW RIDE!! I got out there to the starting point-the Law Museum, on SR 405- at around 9:15AM, and the place was already a sea of activity. Bikes were lining up, vendors were already doing business, a DJ was cranking out tunes, tickets were being sold for a brand new rifle, and, in short…folks were getting ready for a day of riding.

Event organizer and manager, Sgt. Alan Rainey, received an award for all his efforts through the years, in making this event the popular one that it has become…in the area of 600 riders!!! It was also announced that 30 year veteran Motor Deputy, Sgt. Scott Behringer would be retiring soon. He also announced the rules concerning the running in the Law Ride…rules designed to keep everyone safe on the road.

Then…they were off!! I had left a bit before the column, to my photo spot just east of the 405 draw bridge…joining the LONG column, just after the last bike had passed. We ran east to SR 3, turned north, and entered Kennedy Space Center, where we circled the VAB, and proceeded north where we entered the actual Shuttle Runway…proceeded south on the runway to SR 3, and on down to SR 405 and west, back to the Law Museum for a meal.

As always, a fabulous day, and a very interesting, and smooth  run, thanks to the efforts of the Brevard and Osceola County Deputies.

Hope to see everyone next year…ride safe, remember our Vets, and, stand up for your country…!!

Miserable George

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TANNER JAM…2019 by Miserable George

I really don’t know what we can show you here that hasn’t already been posted somewhere else, BUT, we’ll try. Tanner Jam-2019 was a rousing success…biggest crowd ever for this, #6 event. As of this writing, over $13K has been collected, with funds still coming in…! Just goes to show you what people can do when money is needed to fight a disease like cystic fibrosis…! There were 5 or 6 bands playing all day and night, there were games, auctions, poker run, 50/50, a lemonade stand, food, drink, babes, and, massive amounts of Brotherhood. Tanner himself really enjoyed the ride in Wild Bill’s 1950 Buick. Hey, I would have liked a ride too…ya well, maybe next time…!!! The parking lot was overflowing with motorcycles, carefully parked there by a beautiful attendant, while 4-wheelers jammed up the frontal area of H&D Roadhouse.  Also, some lucky person won a CRUISE!!! Folks, it was a fabulous day all around, with perfect weather.God Bless all the MANY people who put this event together, and my thanks to all the gorgeous ladies who posed for our lens. Ride safe…thank a vet, and, stand up for your country…

Miserable George

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