
BIKE DAY….359 by Miserable George

     The attendance of a large group of veterans from the Crescent Wood Senior  Facility made this Bike Day at Legion # 359 a very special one. We kinda sweated out the weather, and although there were a few sprinkles, the weather was pretty good!! We had the honor and privilege of chatting with a former Air Force Captain…a fighter pilot who served in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam…!!! He had flown just about every fighter that came along, including super sonic jets!!!! A real hero in my eyes….!!! As always, the food was very tasty, good band, 50/50, but because of the threatening weather, not many bikes in the lot today..!!  Ran into old friends, AND, made a few new ones too!!! Hey, thank a Vet today, and GOD BLESS AMERICA…!!!

Miserable George


     I just about made it downtown on Sunday morning, May 30, to catch the first bikes coming down off the Indian River Bridge. They tell me that there were about 1000 machines in all. They went south on US#1 to Pineda, then across the causeway to A1A , where they more or less dispersed going north toward their starting point. Folks, it was a run to remember all our fighting men and women on this Memorial Day…2021. GOD BLESS AMERICA…!!!

Miserable George

MIKE LEWIS at ROSCOE’S by Miserable George

Recently, Roscoe’s Chili Challenge lost Mike Lewis, an important crew member from day one. He was a man that not too many of the party people really knew, but for sure, a very important part of the Roscoe crew.

For the most part, he handled the activity at the main gate, helped campers with firewood, and made sure that everybody was properly accounted for. He’s a man that we’ll all surely miss. On May 29, there was a memorial party at Roscoe’s to honor Mike’s life. A big crowd came out to remember Mike’s life and his many contributions to a party that we all love. Rest in Peace, Mike, you’ll never be forgotten.

Miserable George

BREVARD COUNTY LAW RIDE 2021 by Miserable George

I don’t believe the weather on May 8th., 2021 could have been more perfect for the 20th. Annual Brevard County Law Ride. They formed up on the grounds of the Memorial Museum on Rt. 405 just east of US#1. I was told that there were 539 bikes signed in…fabulous!!! DJ, Oddball was supplying the tunes, Presentation of the Colors was by the Brevard Sheriff’s Honor Guard, and now, it was time to RIDE!!! I had assumed my position at the east end of the Max Brewer Bridge in Titusville to get shots of the column of bikes which seemed “never-ending”…!!! I joined in at the end of the column, and we proceeded out to Kennedy Space Center where we jumped on the Shuttle Runway. Folks, THAT was a blast…!! There was no stopping at the VAB this time, just on down to 405, where we headed west, past the Visitors’ Center, past a huge solar power center, through the black smoke of a controlled burn over the drawbridge, and back into the Museum area where lunch was waiting. I’d like to thank the Officers who cooperated with me and got me into the fast moving column…no problems anywhere along the route…! Brevard County deputies and some from surrounding areas….thanks for a job well done…!!

This old man hopes that he’ll be around for the ride next year…!!!

Miserable George

2021 Vietnam Vets Moving Wall by Valgal and Miserable George

What a great day! Seeing all the Patriots of this Great country get together year after year to pay tribute to the brave men and women who fought and STILL fight for our country is something that will always be close to my heart…

Our hearts go out to the men and women still fighting our battles… Sad to see most of them are here in our own country… Please take an extra second out of your day to send up a prayer for all of them…

I hope you like our coverage of the wall this year… My favorite part, when the helicopters make a bow to the Wall, never happened this year… I love all of you out there so make sure to say HI and give a wave or hug to someone you love today…

ENJOY! Valgal

Georges Pics

Valgal’s pix

TANNER JAM-2021 by Miserable George

     We held our collective breaths as Saturday April 10th. arrived, because the weather outlook was not the best, at least for the afternoon hours…BUT…we got lucky, the day turned out to be nearly perfect!! I rolled into H&D Roadhouse about 1PM, and found the place already pretty crowded. There had been breakfast and a poker run , and now, everyone was back…the first of many live bands was wailing away, some folks were dancing, many others were eating and/or checking out the vendors and games that were set up in the back yard area, while others just enjoyed adult beverages inside and out back. Harry’s “Grease Pit” was hopping all day long serving some super delicious food…I had some…it was fabulous!!! All this was for the benefit of Tanner Fallon who had contracted Cystic Fibrosis about 10 years ago, and this was the 10th Tanner Jam for his benefit. There was also an auction for many various items…all for Tanner’s benefit. The poker run winner donated back his entire winnings…not certain how much exactly, but it was a WAD!!! It gives ya a pretty warm feeling when you witness all the kindness and generosity that people exhibit in a case like this. May GOD bless Tanner with good health…your prayers would help as well. Thanks to everyone who helped throughout the day, especially Harry, Deb, and their whole crew.

Love you guys….

Miserable George & ValGal

Bike Night at George & Dragon Pub with Seed by Valgal

Another awesome Bike Night at George & Dragon Pub in Cocoa Village… Each month it gets better and better! And so does the music… Seed played this month and AS ALWAYS ROCKED THE HOUSE!… I love seeing everyone sing along and dance the night away… That’s what it’s all about, FRIENDS! See you again in April, 4/20 to be exact! …

Valgal… ENJOY!

Gerald “Pogo” Pogue by Miserable George

     For those who have been attending Roscoe’s Chili Challenge, we have very sad news today… long time EMCEE Pogo has been called home by the Lord. I received this news on April 3, 2021. Gerald “Pogo” Pogue had been EMCEE at the Chili Challenge for 30 years. He was a highly decorated Marine Corps Veteran. His antics at the big party were second to none, and he will be missed by all who attended. He assisted me many times in my efforts to cover the event for my many magazine associates, and I will miss him very much. Rest in Peace Pogo…may GOD have mercy on your soul…

Miserable George  

Richard Phillips Downed Biker Fund by Valgal

What a great turnout for the Richard Phillips Downed Biker Fund 4th/1st Party!  Just a little bit of info about this awesome organization… RFDBF collects donations from all the generous people that give and then save it for us bikers that get hit or killed riding our motorcycles… they donate a one-time check to the survivor/family to help with the unexpected bills… This began in 2014, Robin lost her dear husband to a fatal crash… This is pretty much how it all began. Pray it doesn’t happen to you or those you love, but rest assured there will be people there to help!

We all look forward to next year’s party! Weather was gorgeous and my friends were mingling… Have fun with my photos and remember copies in print are always available of your favorite picture…

Valgal… ENJOY!

H&D ROADHOUSE….a TEN YEAR DREAM by Miserable George

     As they always say….”It seems like yesterday”, but, I met Harry Vigliano on the very day that he decided to purchase what is now H&D Roadhouse, and yes, it does seem like yesterday. When you have to ask permission to park your dilapidated van in the parking lot of a business establishment, just for a place to sleep, and then end up owning the place…well…THAT’S a dream come true…!!  Harry and wife Deb, have had a lot of luck with H&D Roadhouse, however, there have been snags and bad times as well…yes even a tragedy along the way, but, they persevered. Then in early 2020, perseverance became number one, when the Covid pandemic overtook the world. It was rough going for awhile, but Harry and Deb stuck it out, and with the support of their many friends,and staff, have succeeded in saving their hard-fought business. Sunday, March 28, 2021, a huge gathering of friends helped to celebrate 10 years of operation of H&D Roadhouse. Harry’s “Grease Pit” provided food, there were non-stop live bands all day and into the night, and some karaoke later on as well. A tremendous celebration befitting the efforts of this courageous hard working couple. GOD BLESS you guys, and we wish you many more years of success…!!!! They couldn’t have done it without the help of their fabulous staff….you guys are THE BEST…        

Miserable George & ValGal

George’s pics

Valgals Pix