
**New Pics** TROPICAL TATTOO CHOPPER SHOW by Miserable George and ValGal

I’ve been attending this event for a good many years now, Biketoberfest, and Bike Week both, and the weather usually varies somewhere between hot and cold, BUT, this year for Biketoberfest, 2018, I think we broke a heat record…!! I mean, it was down-right UNBEARABLE. Even in the limited shady area…it was HOTTTT…!!

Even in the un-GODLY heat, the crowd was pretty nice for Biketoberfest…down a bit (of course) from regular Bike Week, but,

there was no shortage of beautiful, hand built, custom machines.

Ah, and of course, there were BABES!!! Maybe, THEY brought in SOME of that heat.

Big Rick, and the Troublemakers provided the swingin’ sounds, beer and hard iced tea stands (I guess), helped to quench at least a little bit of the thirst.

Gotta thank Wild Bill for a ride in his one-of-a-kind ‘40 Caddy Rat Rod…natural AC…(no windshield!!) I tell ya, we stuck it out as long as we could…got pics of the winners, but, not of the trophy presentations…sorry…just too HOT for this old boy.

Our thanks to Willie, and Roadside Marty for their usual fabulous event.

Hey, remember our VETS, and stand up for your country….

Miserable George & ValGal

George’s Pics

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Val’s pics

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Lake Poinsette Breast Cancer Run by Valgal

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Driven By Heart – Ride For The Girls SCHD Breat Cancer Run by Valgal

Over 500 bikes showed up to help support the cause… Breast Cancer…


This damn cancer has touched our lives in one way or another!

Well we came together as bikers usually do, to show great support for our tatas.

Thank you to everyone that had a hand in making this ride a success…and thank you to Space Coast Harley Davidson for their generosity… Enjoy, be safe…


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A BENEFIT FOR BRIAN by Miserable George

H&D Roadhouse comes through, yet again……


Most of us will never experience what Brian Tafoya is experiencing right now….waiting for a new heart…!

And again,

Harry and Debbie and the crew at H&D Roadhouse, pulled out all the stops by providing a venue for this huge benefit party to help Brian with all the expenses connected with with this up-coming operation.

There were many door prizes to bid on, a 50/50, non-stop music(live) all day, food and drink, AND…babes…man, I tell ya…if only I were 30 years younger..!!

Even the ol’ weatherman cooperated, with a top notch beautiful day. We certainly wish Brian all the best…may GOD be with him through this ordeal. AND…a huge THANK YOU to H&D Roadhouse. Hey, be safe out there, and, stand up for your country!!!

Miserable George & ValGal

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Annual Memorial Run. Remembering Family & Friends by Valgal

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VETERANS FOR HOPE…Legion Post 359…by Miserable George


This was an event that I had looked forward to for awhile now, and the weatherman really cooperated. Afternoon thunder showers are the norm for our area, but, not today…it was perfect…a bit warm maybe…but nice. We were honored with the presence of Barry Roberts, American Legion Chaplain, and Chris Hamrick, 12th. District Commander. Mr. Roberts did give a very inspiring talk about the needs of Veterans, after which a donation was taken up…a long line actually formed to get to the donation jug….you don’t see THAT very often…!!! Music was provided by the SCHD All American Band, along with HD’s Tim Bishop. Also, the Hamburger Man was there again, along with lots of other goodies to whet your appetite , plus 2 outside bars on the huge, new patio deck, which by the way, was packed with vets and friends. One thing I really liked, was the huge American Flag hanging up alongside the deck, and the playing of the National Anthem….no kneeling here folks!!! All in all, a very entertaining and inspirational day. Remember our Vets…always, and GOD bless them…

Miserable George & ValGal

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U.S. MilVets Lucky 13 Chapter Anniversary by Miserable George

I guess this time of year, one may wish for a cool weather day, BUT, it ain’t gonna happen!!!

So it was on Aug. 18, 2018, at Post 117, the day of the USMILVETS Lucky 13 Chapter Anniversary. Nice crowd in attendance, live music from County Road-2, plus, if you were hungry, a nice big chow wagon…good prices, big portions, and, a lovely server…! Adult beverages were being served at a central location outside, as well as in the Tiki Style Bar a few steps away.

It was an important day for one probate…he got patched…!! That’s always nice to watch..! Old Home Day for me, as I met several folks whom I hadn’t seen for a long time.

Post 117 is a beautiful spot in Malabar, with a large pond, lots of tables, a clubhouse…(with AC), all situated on an expanse of impeccable real estate, with plenty of parking area too.

We at OSB Magazine, want to wish the MILVETS as bright a future as possible.

Thanks for a really fabulous day…

Miserable George & ValGal

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Reading MC. 104th Anniversary Drags by Valgal

As many of you know I made a trip to Pennsylvania at the end of July… Well that just so happened to be when Reading MC. was holding their annual drag race for their anniversary, 104th this year… Congratulations!!

I was graciously given my friends car to drive that Saturday, July 28th so off I went…My friends from a long time ago are not bikers… So when I pulled up to the RMC clubhouse there were nothing but bikes everywhere… My unknown family, I was with my people 🙂

With a pep in my step I started to head to the clubhouse, hadda pee… I was asking around to see if anyone remembered Keystone MC from Emmaus, a few did but not in detail.  Wow how time flies by… Aaanywayyy…

The weather was nice and warm in a northern kind of way but still hot!… I hope you enjoy the photos i have taken… they will tell the story…


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Bike Day at the TIKI American Legion Post 359 by Miserable George

This was my first visit to Post 359 since their back deck re-build, and, I tell ya, I was amazed!!! The completed project now features about double the floor space, stage, and, 2 (count ‘em) 2 serving bars, plus a ramp for wheelchair access!! Everything built from weather-proof material, so, it will last. PLUS…in the works…additional parking space!!

Folks, this organization went out of their way to make a fabulous party venue…all for YOU!!! AND YES, there were several large fans to help with cooling during these hot spells we’ve been suffering through!!

As usual, the cooks did a fabulous job, especially with those famous half-pound burgers…they truly are the best!!

The Spanks Band had the ladies hopping around out there, despite the over powering heat, and the Jello-shot girl did her job well!!!

Also present was Mack, the former FOX 35 Weather Baby…8 months old now, and almost ready to walk!!

Folks, if you’re looking for a fantastic party place, American Legion Post 359 on U.S.#1, just north of Port St. John is your spot!!

Bike Day is always the 1st. Saturday of the month…good food, good music, babes, drinks, the works…! We’ll be lookin’ for ya.

Ride safe, and, stand up for your country…

Miserable George & ValGal

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Dragon Slayers MC National by Miserable George

The Dragon Slayers 10th. Anniversary in Brevard, along with their National Party took place on August 3rd. at the Best Western Motel in Cocoa Beach, Fl.

The band, Twisted Minds, Inc. were already wailing away when I got there, and, the food was ready, so…I sat down and chowed down…!!!

Out of the nice crowd, several folks were in the pool…I envied them. Others were milling about the spacious grounds, renewing old friendships with Brothers as well as Bros from several of the other clubs present.

I gotta thank the Brothers who allowed me access to the balcony through their room…got some good shots from there. A big thanks too, to all the ladies who posed, especially Jami and Sharon, as well as the beautiful “Bicycle Babe”, Amber. All in all, a real bang-up affair, to be sure.

Thanks Brothers for having me.

Hey, ride safe, and stand up for your country…

Miserable George

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