
BIKE DAY at POST 359 on 9-2-23 by Miserable George

     A bunch of mean looking clouds rolled past my place just as I was getting ready to shove off to Post 359 for Bike Day. Those clouds DID dump some rain on my place, however, 359 was spared…WHEW!!! The crowd was a bit sparse when I got there, but grew pretty fast. The band, Roughouse, was wailing away, and cute little barmaid Shelly was busy providing those cold ones…she’s a Sweetheart!!! By now, BOTH bars were busy, and food was being served. Everything was moving at a FULL SWING pace. The weather was perfect, although it was a BIT warm…those big fans on the deck DID help. Despite the heat, I did see people dancing…!!! Bikes were rolling in, and soon the back deck was packed. It turned out to be a FUN DAY…!!!

Folks, thank a vet today, and may GOD BLESS YOU ALL…!!!

Miserable George & ValGal…(Yeah, she was there too)

BIKE DAY at POST 359 on 8-5-23 by Miserable George

This is the time of year for crazy weather, and man….have we been getting just THAT…!!! BUT, today, 8-5-23 at American Legion Post 359 was different…at least, it started out that way!! It was HOT, but the BIG DADDY BAND attracted a nice crowd….if anybody’s gonna do it…THEY will..!!! We ran into some friends whom we hadn’t seen for awhile…THAT’S always nice. The food was very good…as always…and, Shelly, that sweet little bar-maid, was busy keeping the cold ones coming. Judging by what was parked in back…someone even arrived on a beautiful Farmall “H” tractor…!!! The band DID attract a dancer or two…even in the heat…!!! The fans were running, but like one guy said, they were just blowing hot air!!!!

Well, whatever, it was a fun afternoon…I always look forward to it. Hey, thank a VET today, and GOD BLESS AMERICA…..!!!!

Miserable George

  A HOT BIKER SATURDAY AT POST 359 by Miserable George

     In spite of a blistering HOT Saturday afternoon, the back deck of Post 359 was literally  PACKED with folks who came out to meet friends, or maybe just to listen to the music and have a few cold ones. Whatever your reason , I’m certain that you had a good time…!!! The band-”ROUGHOUSE” had them dancing in no time. Heck, there was even a wheel chair bound lady out on the floor!!! As usual, the food was good and the beer was cold…!!! That in itself, had a good grip on the attending folks..!!! I met several folks that I hadn’t seen for quite  a while.

I also got asked to be BEST MAN at the wedding of a good friend….I was never a Best Man before…!!! 

Folks…thank a VET today, and may GOD BLESS you all….

Miserable George

BIKE DAY 1/7/2023 at American Legion POST 359 by Miserable George

     Well…wouldn’t ya know it…another cold snap…!!! This one was mild compared to Christmas, and the crowd DID turn out at Legion Post 359 on Jan. 7th, 2023…! It warmed up pretty nice, and as I said….there was quite a bit of action on that huge patio out back. The Whiskey JuJu Band stirred the crowd up real well…lots of dancers out there in no time. Again, some good food if you were hungry…I WAS…so, I indulged. Both bars were “manned” by some gorgeous bar-maids…my friend Sarah Williams was handling the action at the Riders Roost….!!! Ran into a few old friends as well. All in all, a good day to be outside, mingling with the riders….looking forward to the next get-together.

Hey…thank a VET today,  be safe, and ValGal and I will catch ya’ll later…

Miserable George and ValGal…..

LEGION POST 359…BIKE DAY by Miserable George

     Well, October 1,2022 is a date we’ll all remember….the day after IAN…!!!

This particular BIKE DAY was HUGE…tremendous crowd, all kinda celebrating the end of that miserable storm. I know you’ll all join me in prayers for the souls that didn’t make it. The band…”Roughouse” kept the crowd moving all day long.

While scanning the crowd, I met several people whom I hadn’t seen for 5 or 6 years…THAT was nice..!! Also, as I never made it to Leesburg Bikefest this past year, a rumor was started that I had passed away…WOW…I wasn’t too crazy to hear THAT one….!! Nope, old “Miserable George” is still around, trying to do his “thing” as always.

I must say too, that the crew at 359 had the place STANDING TALL…all systems were GO…!!! Food was good, drinks were cold, girls were gorgeous, parking lot was OK except for one small puddle…!! Don’t forget about the 359 Membership Drive and the several other activities that the Post sponsors…

Pray for our troops, and thank a VET today…

GOD bless you all………Miserable George

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BIKE DAY AT LEGION POST 359 by Miserable George

August 6, 2022 was a HOT one…(again), but all that HEAT didn’t seem to bother the banner crowd that showed up at American Legion Post 359’s monthly BIKE DAY, at the clubhouse just north of Pinto’s on US#1 in Brevard County, Florida!!!! 

Those big fans out on the rear deck area were doin’ their job, for sure!!!  The live band, Loaded Dice, was crankin’ out some mean sounds, and it wasn’t long before the dance area was alive with folks shuffling about, despite the heat..!!!

The two full service bars were going…non stop…!!! The large parking area was just short of FULL with scooters, and as always, several local clubs were represented. The brand new exterior restrooms are finished too…AC…the whole deal..!! Hungry….??? Well, they took care of THAT too…dogs and burgers with all the trimmings…always GOOD and at a good price too. PLUS, there was a 50/50….just about everything to keep ya hopping all afternoon…!!!

The folks at 359 always make sure that YOU have a good time on Bike Day…the first Saturday of the month.

Hey, thank a Vet today, and GOD BLESS AMERICA…!!!

Miserable George and ValGal….Old School Biker Magazine…we love you all…!!!!

BIKE DAY AT 359 July 2, 2022 by Miserable George

Well, ValGal was under the weather this week-end, so the old man(me) covered Legion 359 Bike Day. I got there a bit early, so the crowd wasn’t too large as yet, also, the weather wasn’t exactly cooperating, but as time passed, they started rolling in. The live band….Sunrise Whiskey Band started playing, and that kinda got the crowd to stirring a bit!!! I had missed lunch, so, I indulged in the tasty food they had available. By now, the place was just about filled up, and, the weather was holding its own…good!!! I’d like to mention the new Restrooms outside that are now accessible, and 359 now has a membership drive in full swing. Folks, remember, the first Saturday of the month is BIKE DAY at Legion Post 359, on U.S.#1, just north of Pintos. Our thanks to 359 for jumping on our “bandwagon”, so, watch for their ad in future issues of Old School Biker Magazine. It’s THE place to be on the first Saturday…live music, two full service bars on the huge deck out back…lots of room for dancing…a place for FUN…!!! Hey, thank a VET today, and GOD BLESS AMERICA…!!!!

Miserable George

Bike Day at 359 by Miserable George

     It had been awhile since I attended Bike Day at 359, and as luck would have it, Dec. 4, 2021 was “weather perfect”…!!! I got there early to grab some lunch…very tasty indeed..!!! 

BIG DADDY was playing, so of course, the place filled up…FAST!!! Met a bunch of old friends…(as always), plus, two NEW ones!!! Lots of progress on the new rest room facility…that will be a BIG help for the outside crowd. One thing that was a first for me…they sold out of 50/50 tickets…!!

Never saw THAT before…$660 total…winner got $330…$100 of which was donated back!!! Folks, I believe this was one of the largest crowds I’ve ever seen at 359, and, Big Daddy had a bunch of them shaking it up out there on the dance floor.  I love that band!!!!!

Hey…thank a Vet today, ride safe, and GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!

Miserable George

November Bike Day at American Legion Post 359 by Valgal

With Miserable George at Roscoe’s y’all were stuck with me this month LOL… I LOVE BIKE DAY!!! The weather was a little chilly but WAY better than melting in the heat… The band was awesome as always, Thank you ! Food ran out quickly and I missed my cheeseburger! Love them…

Please visit American Legion Post 359 when you are in the area… GREAT group of people… See y’all next Bike Day!! 


POST 359…BIKE DAY 10/2/21 by Miserable George

     This must be the “nice weather time” in Brevard County, because Bike Day on Oct. 2, 2021 at Post 359 was perfect. Nice crowd out back on the pavilion, one HOT band…KARALYN & the Dawn Patrol, plenty of super food, (I had a very tasty lunch) and 2 outside bars doing a GOOD business!! I don’t know where they come from, but those bar-maids were CAPTIVATING!!!  Every table in the place was occupied, plus standees. Oh yeah, I like the new fans too. Folks, if you haven’t as yet popped in there on the first Sat. of the month…do it next month…you’ll thank me. Hey, thank a VET today, and may GOD BLESS AMERICA…Ride safe…

Miserable George

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