
Biker Bash 2022 by Valgal

With the year coming to a close in 2 months it is getting cooler to ride and we have some awesome events coming up to share! The Biker Bash this year was great as usual… Nana’s House will surely appreciate all the help! Thank you to Shovelhed for supplying the AWESOME MUSIC for this event. As Always the guys put on one HELL of a show. And thank you to the waitress that we had at our large table… Great, fast service… and our crew is picky but she pulled it off…

A new Bike Night is coming VERY SOON… Keep your eyes open and keep reading Old School Biker!

Love y’all ~ Valgal


December 12, 2021 dawned bright and clear, despite predictions of rain…no rain all day!!!! The Unchained Kings MC gathered at Miracle City Harley-Davidson to form up the group that would visit several locations during the day to distribute toys to needy kids in the Titusville area. Santa was right there too, and made a host of kids very happy!!!

There was no sorting of items…they were all right there on the truck for the kids to pick from!!! First stop was the Boys and Girls Club of Central Florida; second stop was Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health Care Center; and, while there, the riders circled the front area while revving up their machines in a show of motorcycle exhaust roaring…the kids LOVED that; next was the Boys and Girls Club in Cocoa which offered much assistance in where to take Santa and his truck load of toys in the area off Fiske Blvd. One little girl saw Mr. Claus, and screeched all the way….”SANNA CLAUS…SANNA CLAUS….I had a few tears on that one!!!! Next was a special visit to a family of five near that same area. Folks, it had the same results in every visit…bright-eyed, enthusiastic, and very happy kids…all who had their choice of toys, and from what I could see…they were all satisfied…the way it should be!!!! Last stop was the King’s Clubhouse for a much needed snack!!! A HUGE thanks to the Unchained Kings MC for a tremendous show of Christmas Spirit…Thanks to ValGal also for dropping off a bag of toys at Devereux…All in all , a fantastic way to spend a warm, Florida day!!! GOD bless you all…Merry Christmas… Bro, Gastank went down, but is OK, with a fractured ankle…

Miserable George

Biker Bash 2020 by Valgal

Great night spent at Brevard Warlocks for the annual Biker Bash. Weather seemed to hold off the wet stuff for the night which brought friends from all over.  I saw people I have not seen in many years which warms my heart.  Cheese burgers, pork, sausage and beans was just some of the food available, always good food! I hope everyone had a good time and ride safe y’all… ENJOY!


Nineteenth Anniversary Party at the MOB by Miserable George

     We were lucky on Aug. 8th., 2020, we didn’t get the usual afternoon showers, and this prompted a large crowd to congregate at the MOB in Melbourne, Fl. for their 19th. Anniversary Celebration. Yes, they had a terrific  band, ”Occasional Astronauts”. As usual, the food was fantastic, and lots of it, with Sandra’s very tasty chicken & dumplin’s…of course, I ate too much!!! I hadn’t been out and about for awhile, so it was nice to bump into old friends again. Yes, as advertised, there WAS a wet T-shirt contest…well, not exactly, it was more like a quick flash, but, they were all winners. First place lady got a big bottle of hooch. Ended up with 10 contestants …I was surprised!!! All in all…a damn good party!! Hey, thank a vet today, support your local MC club, and GOD BLESS AMERICA…!!!

Miserable George & ValGal   

See ValGal’s pix HERE

H&D  ROADHOUSE by Miserable George

…..a tribute to our friends who have brought us so much joy…

Like you all, I’m stuck in the house, and what better way to make use of all my time, than to put together a piece to pay tribute to H&D Roadhouse. These images are from the various gatherings we’ve attended at Harry and Debbie’s establishment on SR 520 East, just across from the Lincoln dealer. There is an element of sadness here, in that some of the folks you’ll see are no longer with us, but, I’m sure they are all smiling down, and watching over us all. We pray that this terrible situation we are experiencing presently, will soon go away, and hopefully, we’ll all come out on top. When things DO finally clear up, let’s all get out there and welcome Harry and Deb back into business. They’ve helped many of us down through the years…let’s NOW help them…!!! GOD bless you guys…!!!

Miserable George & ValGal

JUST A BIT OF NOSTALGIA by Miserable George and Valgal

ValGal and I cooked up this idea to kinda help our readers pass the time of day, now that a lot of you are more or less confined to your homes. The images represent a wide array of subjects that might interest a wide array of readers. Not all will recognize every picture, but we’re hoping that at least SOME of you will. We pray that this mess will be ironed out very soon, and things will get back to “normal”…! Thank a Vet, stand up for your country, and may GOD BLESS AMERICA…!!!

Miserable George

UNITY RUN LEGION POST 359 by Miserable George

It was 41 COLD degrees when I left my place, and headed to Post 359 for the UNITY RIDE for Legion Boys & Girls. Fourteen other hardy souls had gathered there, and were ready to ride. MaryAnn led a prayer for safety, and they were off!! Post #1 was our first stop…for breakfast!!! Then it was on up north to the NSB and south Daytona area, where the group encountered an accident scene and were forced to turn back and seek a detour. Unfortunately, this didn’t work out too well, as the original group was now split up, and did not visit the last 2 planned stops. So, with the cold weather, an unplanned detour, and the scattering of the original group, a bunch headed back to the 359 headquarters where I encountered them later in the day.

I’d like to thank MaryAnn Baggaley and Brenda Pierce for their pictures and assistance…

Miserable George

Jay RR 2020 by Valgal

To everyone that showed up for Jay’s Memorial Ride… Thank You….On Feb. 23rd well over 100 people showed their love and respect for a wonderful man… Our friend Jay Grose… You will be missed by us all. For me, it is time… Time to let you fly(ride) free… You mean more to me than you will ever know… we all need to carry on with our hectic crazy lives… Memories of you will forever fill our souls with warmth and love. We have each other to turn to on those days when your loss weighs too heavy… but as brothers and sisters together we will carry on… We Love you Jay #GETCHAPULL

I hope you enjoy the memories I have captured of us loving our great friend… Let me know if you want any copies of the group shot or any of them…


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Warlocks Brevard…38 Years Strong by Miserable George

I’ve been a “hang-around” at this Chapter for over 29 years now…I’ve watched it change, move to new quarters, lose Brothers, gain Brothers, and settle into the huge Clubhouse that it presently owns on SR 520 across from the Ford Dealer in Cocoa, Florida. On Sat., Feb. 15th., 2020, Brevard celebrated their 38th. year, along with the Annual Valentine’s Day Massacre!! Despite some sprinkles, a nice crowd rode in to help celebrate with food, cold ones, a hot juke box, and a bunch of even hotter ladies!! I was fortunate enough to meet up with several Brothers and Sisters whom I hadn’t seen for quite a few years.

I’d like to extend my thanks to the Brevard Chapter for all the help they extended when I was doing my free-lancing with several of the now-defunct (paper) Motorcycle publications…it certainly helped me get a good start!!

Please check out their events…you’ll thank me.

Good Luck Brothers…keep up the good work…

Miserable George

PROJECT VetRelief DINNER by Valgal

Friday, Jan. 31, 2020 saw the Ballroom at Legion 359 filled to capacity for the Project VetRelief Dinner. There were many Post Officials attending from out of state, National Commander Bill Oxford, Department of Florida American Legion Commander Rick Johnson, Eastern area Commander Dennis Boland, Astronaut High JROTC, we had 1,200 hours of volunteer time and we raised $21,000…

A ceremony honoring Lost Vets was carried out by N. Titusville High School’s JROTC group…very inspiring indeed!! A very tasty dinner was served by caterer, Kelly’s Cuisine, a local family operated company. Several Legion officials gave short talks explaining the importance of the VetProject. After the dinner portion of the evening ended, Karaoke began in the main clubroom. All in all, it was a fully enjoyable evening. Folks, please thank a Vet today, stand up for your country, and GOD BLESS AMERICA…!!!

Miserable George and Valgal