
Looking Back… Part I by Valgal

Hi everybody!… By now y’all should know who I am… I haven’t met everyone yet but I am trying… I have taken a HELL OF A LOT of pictures over the years, before and during my magazine career… We wanted everyone to see some of the photos that may not have ever made it to print…

There are a huge amount of memories contained in the following pages so be prepared to laugh… and cry.

I chose NOT to leave out some of the people who have passed away over the last few years, they are ALL important to our lives in some way. If some are missing it is because this is just the first volume of photos from the past… I have soooo many it will take a couple issues of the magazine to show them all… Some of these photos are Mine, some are my Dad’s (Miserable George) , Richard Reimel, Leslie Spencer and Marilyn Elmore… I sure hope y’all have as much fun looking at these as I did going back in time to gather them for you… Ride Safe  <3


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The Raven by Jeff G

The Raven one of a kind!

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Elle at Willie’s ChopperTime 2017 by ValGal

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On The Run with ValGal at Biketoberfest 2017

On The Run with ValGal at Biketoberfest 2017

Choppertime Bike Show

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Cacklebery’s and Cabbage Patch

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Billy Lane’s Sons of Speed by Miserable George

Ever since I saw the first Sons of Speed Race, I been chompin’ at the bit for the next one, and this past Oct. 21, 2017, out at NSB Speedway…it happened!!!

We got there early, went over to the pit area, and were amazed at the array of old school Board-track racing machines…a few, almost 100  years old..!!! I noticed Harley’s and Indians, if there were other makes…well, I missed them.

It was an absolute joy to watch the warm-ups and tuning of these legendary machines!! Some of the riders even wore suits that made them look like they just stepped out of the past!! Billy Lane himself, wore an old-time leather helmet!!

These bikes have no clutch, no tranny, and, NO BRAKES!! Put ‘em up on a stand, and yank on the rear wheel, and mostly, they will sputter to life; or get a push, or coast down from the edge of the high bank on turn-4!!!

They call it “Sons of Speed”, BUT, there are several “Daughters” of Speed running as well, including Shelly Rossmeyer, and Roxie….(just Roxie, was all I got!!), and last races’ winner, Brittney Olsen. She was ready to ride, but, her bike wasn’t completed as yet, but, she didn’t exactly “sit” it out…she was running all over the grounds, sporting a cute little cheerleader type outfit. Roxie was a rookie, but finished 2nd. in a heat, and was giving Billy Lane a run for his money!!

A rider named Jake, #13 , was the eventual winner for the day. He received a beautiful hand tooled trophy.

We had the pleasure of meeting Roxie, along with Rick Petko from Orange Co. Choppers, plus MC Bubba Blackwell!!

All in all, it was a fantastic day!

I wanna thank Billy Lane for his hospitality, and NSB Speedway for a fine facility. Looking forward to Bike Week, 2018 for the next Sons of Speed event!!! Stay tuned….

Miserable George

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Willie’s Tropical Tattoo Chopper Show by Miserable George

Once again, the Biketoberfest fans were rocked at Willie’s Tropical Tattoo, with some of the most unusual hand-made choppers from far and wide…around the state of Florida, and beyond!!

A horde of eager revelers piled in at around noon, and partied hearty till about 5PM.

Despite the Florida afternoon heat, Big Rick and the Troublemakers had the crowd boogying, Twisted Tea helped quench some thirsts, and, of course, the many babes had the old eye-balls poppin’!!!

Things were good, ‘cause, ol’ Willie was walkin’ around all day with a big smile on his face!! As has happened before, we didn’t feel any rain until the main show was complete, and then, just a few random drops.

Gotta thank Roadside Marty for all his spontaneous humor, and his efforts to get a few of the ladies to pop their tops…YEAH!!! Hey, it’s Biketoberfest!!!

ValGal and I really enjoyed the day at Tropical Tattoo!!! Next Spring, it’ll all happen again!! Thanks to Willie and the crew for a job well done!!!

Miserable & ValGal

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Sunday, Aug. 6th., was another blistering , hot, Florida summer day….I mean…it was HOTTT, but, ValGal and I braved the heat, and boogied down to Palm Shores Customs for a gathering of the Rocket Coast Chapter of the Antique Motorcycle Club of America.

As always, there was a pretty nice crowd, despite the awful heat…we even noticed a few bikes there that we hadn’t seen before. Palm Shores Customs had their shop open, and, inside was a huge electric fan, which did a pretty good job of cooling people off. Also, they had a few of their own customs on display…all of antique status…nice!!

We admired a 1952 Indian there, which we will try to feature later in OSB Magazine!  

If you enjoyed adult beverages, the Cabana Shores Restaurant was close by and serving some pretty yummy looking food too. THAT was a big attraction!!! Also admired 2 1958 Chevy BelAires parked in the area…nice cars!! I’m told that their next gathering MIGHT be in the Cocoa-Merritt Island area…so, stay tuned…! Interested in joining…? Call 321-543-8944, OR get ‘em on line at…Maybe when they get up to our area, it will have cooled down a bit!!! Hey, ride safe…

Miserable & ValGal…

OSB Bike Show Benefit for Teri by Valgal and Miserable George

Well what can we say… DAMN RAIN!… That’s what I said!… Our OSB Bike Show still turned out to be tons of fun at Oasis benefit for Teri…

Awesome crowd showed up for this beautiful girl, Thank you all for your support!.  

The Saddle Band was great as usual… Never disappoints. !  

Best of show – John

Best Rat- Ted

Best Custom/Street – George

Best Old School- Rick

Thank you all for showing your support… Love Valgal and Miserable George

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