Sinclair Law

Another banner crowd for Bike Day at Legion Post 359 on Sat., June 1, 2024. I figured the heat would keep them away, BUT, NO, the place was jammed!! The live band, NICKOLOFF was entertaining in what I would call a very unusual manner…hey, ya had to be there…! The food was very good, as always, plus whatever you wanted to wash it down with…!! There was a collection of $5.00 bills for a special donation….THAT went over BIG, plus the regular 50/50…I tell ya… flying all over the place!!! Someone also sold a painting for $1000…!!! As always, lots of gorgeous ladies struttin’ around too!!!If you missed this gig, you missed a GOOD one!!!

Thank a VET today, and GOD bless you all….

Miserable George and ValGal….
