Sinclair Law

I had never seen “Drifters” in person before, so, when Val mentioned that they were gonna run at Space Coast HD on Sat. Aug. 11, 2018, I agreed to pop in and see what it was all about. Small, stock looking cars basically ran, and drifted side-ways over a marked course…not turning the corners, BUT, sliding and DRIFTING around them…! Lots of noise and smoke, AND, there was an element of excitement!!

This, plus live music, liquid refreshment, food, and of course…a few babes too, made for an enjoyable time at SCHD. Big thanks to Tim Bishop for his hospitality, as well as the hot dog guys…thanks again guys.

    Our next stop this day, was at the Melbourne Mob’s 17th. Anniversary Party at their CH on Lincoln. Live band all day…fabulous food, as always, plenty to drink, and of course…the little darlings were prancing around all day too!! Nice crowd…the back field was literally covered with bikes, and, for a change…NICE WEATHER…!!! (But, HOT). The AC in the CH certainly provided some relief…as did the cute bar-maids!!! Oh yeah, there was a Dunk Tank outside too. That must have felt pretty good to the Brother who got “dunked” a few times!!

Our THANKS to the “MOB” for their hospitality too….

All in all, a pretty lively day for this old boy and ValGal. Remember…stand up for your country, and as always…ride safe…

ValGal and Miserable George

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