Sinclair Law

I guess this time of year, one may wish for a cool weather day, BUT, it ain’t gonna happen!!!

So it was on Aug. 18, 2018, at Post 117, the day of the USMILVETS Lucky 13 Chapter Anniversary. Nice crowd in attendance, live music from County Road-2, plus, if you were hungry, a nice big chow wagon…good prices, big portions, and, a lovely server…! Adult beverages were being served at a central location outside, as well as in the Tiki Style Bar a few steps away.

It was an important day for one probate…he got patched…!! That’s always nice to watch..! Old Home Day for me, as I met several folks whom I hadn’t seen for a long time.

Post 117 is a beautiful spot in Malabar, with a large pond, lots of tables, a clubhouse…(with AC), all situated on an expanse of impeccable real estate, with plenty of parking area too.

We at OSB Magazine, want to wish the MILVETS as bright a future as possible.

Thanks for a really fabulous day…

Miserable George & ValGal

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