
A BENEFIT FOR RANDY PEPE by Miserable George

Although the Weatherman didn’t exactly cooperate with Jenna’s Breezeway on Sat. May 19th., a benefit for Randy Pepe went on as scheduled!!

Randy recently suffered a heart attack…

, and with no insurance, and now, no work, things got a bit tight. That’s when Jenna’s Breezeway stepped in to lend a hand, and organized a benefit party for Randy…(present with girlfriend Celeste).There were raffles, silent auction, 50/50, all the events to help him along.

Josh, the One-Man Entertainer started the show for the day, with other acts to follow.

Randy, by the way, is a former biker, who once owned 12 Harleys…!!! Unfortunately, due to a prior commitment, I had to leave early, but, I understand that

…the event was a smashing success!!

We certainly wish Randy and Celeste all the best…with friends like his…he can’t miss…!!

Miserable George

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Party At The Wrecking Crew by Miserable George

Saturday, May 12, 2018, started out really murky…thick clouds, and, an occasional spritz. It signaled a possible washout of the Wrecking Crew Party at their new clubhouse in Palm Bay. However, as luck would have it…the bad stuff never really happened…just clouds and a few random drops!!! We rolled in a bit after 2PM, and a decent crowd was already forming.

The One-Man-Entertainment, Frankie Lessard, was doing his thing, the cooking duo, Animals Gone Wild, had their grills and burners going full blast, and, the girls had their various vendor tables all set up…even the Boss’ lady was hawking Jello shots!!! Later, there was a door prize awarding, an auction, 50/50, and of course…the FOOD!!! I even got a nice hunk of local venison!!!

Inside, Tasha and Lara kept the cold ones coming!! Hey, we gotta thank Bonez, Shawn, and all the Wrecking Crew Bros, plus the girls: Carmen, Rachel, Hannah, Sarah, Marlene, Andrea, Daf, Sabrina, Toni, and Wendy for posing for this pesty photag…girls, yer all gorgeous!!! Hope I didn’t miss anyone!! It was a FUN DAY all around!!

Hey, ride safe, and, stand up for your country…!! See ya all at the MOB on the 19th….

Miserable George

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LEESBURG BIKEFEST…#22 by Miserable George

 April 28, 2018, started out a wee bit on the cool side, but, it certainly didn’t take very long to heat up…I’m thinkin’ it was all those bikers streaming into town that did the trick. Standing on Main St, and looking west, it was bikes as far as you could see…Bikefest 2018 had begun!!!

That crowd just kept growing, and I was told, that it was a record!!

Main St. had become a gigantic parking lot for motorcycles only…NO 4-WHEELERS allowed…

the way it should be!! Market St. was packed with shoppers, all agog with what was offered by the myriad of vendors, featuring food, drink, leathers, jewelry, well, you name it…it was there!! Up on Main St., it was elbow to elbow with big, burly, bikers, to sweet little biker chicks, and of course, the proverbial baby buggies…some of them containing dogs!!! At the 6th. St. Town Square area, the crowd was cooling it, sitting down and taking in the near-by band, a few girls were actually cooling it IN the fountain!!

I had my usual lunch at the Porch Cafe, followed by a nice rest period at the Media Center, where I learned that there would be NO trip to the top of the Lightstream Bldg. till 9 that night!!! Well, I missed that…!

I always enjoy a stroll through the Rat’s Hole Chopper display area, where we eye-balled some pretty radical machines. Later, we took in the Miss Rat Mate contest, followed by the awarding of prizes for the Rat’s Hole Custom Bike Show…those trophies were fabulous!! Radical Randy did his usual terrific job as main EMCEE, and it was a pleasure meeting Easyriders’ ace photog again…Don Rogers.

Well, it was getting late by now, and, this old boy was getting pretty tired, so, it was time to hit the road for home. A big THANK YOU goes out to Ken and Amanda for their hospitality and help during my day in Leesburg. Thanks too, to Randy for all the plugs…(Florida’s oldest photographer was one of them)..ya well, I guess it’s true!!

I believe Bikefest #22 will go into the record books as THE big one. If you missed it, make plans to be there in 2019.

Meanwhile, ride safe, and, stand up for your country…!!!

Miserable George

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BIN RUN 2018 by ValGal

Another smashing success!  BIN pulled it off again…

What a fantastic ride for the food pantry for BIKERS IN NEED…

Weather couldn’t have been any more beautiful… A BIG thank you to BCSO and Palm Bay Motor officers for all your help keeping killer cars at bay for a couple hours.  Approximately 150+ bikes rode in this run to keep Bears Dream alive.

We miss you Bear and I need to say thank you for starting an organization that has brought hope and some help to people that need it most. Mama Bear words can’t even describe how awesome you are to this community!  You go out of your way and ABOVE AND BEYOND what normal people would do to help others. You are a blessing to all that know you and we will always be here for you. WE LOVE YOU MAMA…

Please enjoy these pix as much as I had fun taking them 🙂

Anyone interested in a cd of this event or ANY in the past give me a shout and I will get it to you! $20 per cd which will contain ALL the pix. Call me too @ 321-525-0307


Vietnam Moving Wall -THE REUNION…2018 by Miserable George

It’s a happy time, in that vets from all over the country come together again, get re-acquainted, share old times…the good and , I guess, the bad too, but,

it’s a sad time too, when you realize that there are enough names on that Wall to populate a small city

…names that represent men and women who died in service of their country…died, so that we could go on living, and now, be able to pay tribute to those heros!!

A spritz of rain did little to dampen the spirits of the huge crowd that poured into Wickham Park on Sat., April 21, 2018, to partake of the joys of a reunion of such a close-knit group of fighting men and women!!

As always, the Massing of the Colors was a very inspirational event, followed by the playing of the National Anthem by a U.S.Army Bugler , with the American flag flying overhead…kinda brought tears to this old boy’s eyes. This year, 4 choppers came into the Landing Zone…very impressive indeed!!! After the landing,

I made my way over to the Wall area…very inspiring to see the Sea Cadets walking Guard Duty!! Also, a group of Sea Cadets traversing the area, saluted every Vet they passed…looked like a group of truly dedicated young people!

The War Dogs were also remembered at several shrines!

Many mementos had been laid at the base of the Wall near names of loved ones lost. Many shrines in the area, including one for persons lost in the desert wars still going on.

Several locations there too, for Vets who needed guidance and/or help with PTSD, or other problems. Some very interesting displays of combat equipment as well.

Made my way to the Post #81’s food tent…Val and I got a fantastic meal at a good price. Checked out a lot of the vendor spots too, as we approached the chopper area, to watch the take-offs and their salute to the Wall, as they flew low over the lake near the Wall area…very touching indeed!! This pretty well brought my day to a close…a somewhat tiring but happy day.

May GOD bless all our military people, and bring them home safe.

Our thanks to all who made this event a truly enjoyable one…Doc…you’re #1 in my book!!! Ride safe, and stand up for your country…

Miserable George & ValGal

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Moving Wall Escort…2018 by Miserable George

  I can’t state officially, but, I was told, that this year’s Moving Wall Escort event had set a record for motorcycles accompanying the Wall from BCC down to Wickham Park in Melbourne, Fl. Yes folks, despite a looming threat of bad weather, the

bikers turned out in droves to show their patriotism

by crowding into the BCC grounds on Clearlake Rd. in Cocoa, and on down US#1 to the setting up point in Wickham Park. This year…there were NO mishaps, mainly through the efforts of the Brevard County Sheriff’s Dept., who before getting underway, enlightened the crowd in so far as safety on the road goes, and, it paid!! It was a very orderly column…no big gaps, no clowning around…they were there to show their  respect for all the men and women whose names are on that Moving Wall!!! Although we didn’t ride in the column, ValGal and I were proud to do our part by photographing the entire event. Setting up the WALL began as soon as the truck arrived at the park, and there were refreshments for the people who helped. Over in the stage area, Doc Holiday was doing HIS thing, there was free adult refreshments, and the Scouts were selling food as well. Stands were being set up…all in preparation for the big week ahead. Stay tuned with Old School Biker for the big gathering on Sat…Thanks to all for your support and to all the Law Enforcement for a job well done!!!! Ride safe, and…stand up for your country…

Miserable George & ValGal

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Saturday, April 7, 2018, was a BUSY day for us, from early in the morning, BUT, we managed to complete a previous commitment, and, it was on to the Leatherneck’s MC out on Forrest Ave. in Cocoa, Fl. We got there a bit later than usual, and missed out on some of the food, but still managed to put away some pretty good chow!!

The beautiful Bike Wash Babes-Elle, Elisha, and Amanda- were hard at “work”, doing a bang-up job on some dirty scoots…keeping time with the steady recorded music…lovely girls!!! Prancing around the grounds, were several more friendly lovely’s, kinda keeping the guys on their toes!!!

This was a sort of send-off event for one of the men who was shipping out shortly, and we wish him all the best!!

We ran into several friends whom we hadn’t seen for quite a spell…Chrissy, you’re as gorgeous as ever!!! As darkness descended, this old boy was getting tired from all the events of the day, so we bid farewell. Nice crowd, good party, as always. Looking forward to the next one…stay tuned.

Ride safe, and stand up for your country…

Miserable George & ValGal

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Brevard County Law Ride-2018 by Miserable George

This is one run I always look forward to, and, the weatherman cooperated too.

A beautiful Sat., April 7th.,2018, saw about 650 bikes crowd into the area surrounding the American Police Hall of Fame and Museum,

on 6350 Horizon Drive, just off US#1, south of Titusville, Fl., for the 16th. Annual Law Ride.

If you were quick, you might have gotten a donut and some coffee, set up near the sign-in table. Also, you might have had time to tour the adjacent law museum, which is VERY interesting…it covers just about every aspect of law enforcement. Maybe you got hold of a gun raffle, or 50/50 ticket too!!

Then, it was KSU at 10:30AM, north to Titusville, over the Max Brewer Bridge, and on out to SR.3, and right to the VAB on the Space Center Complex….no KSC tour this year. After a photo opp at the VAB area, it was back to the Hall of Fame grounds for a very tasty lunch, and another session of photos for us.

One big, smooth operation, expertly handled by the Sheriff’s Depts. of Brevard, and several surrounding areas…well done, gentlemen!!!

As always, ride safe, and, stand up for your country!!!

Miserable George & ValGal

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TANNER JAM-2018 by Valgal and Miserable George

I’ve been informed that

this year’s Tanner Jam has surpassed ALL OTHERS!!!!

Iffy weather early in the day didn’t seem to deter attendance at all, as over 40 bikes rode for Tanner after a breakfast at H&D Roadhouse, on SR 520, on Merritt Island, FL. Meanwhile, at the H&D grounds, bands were already started, sales of Tanner items was VERY brisk, and there was a big selection of silent auction merchandise…(thanks David for bidding my painting up to $100 !!) All for Tanner!!

Speaking of Tanner, he arrived with Wild Bill, in Bill’s 1940, fire belching,Caddy-Chevvy! The boy LOVES that car. He may have Cystic Fibrosis, but, in no time at all, he was out back, climbing trees and exploring the huge earth-mover tires next door.

The huge number of bikes soon spilled out of the parking lot, which, this year, featured a bandstand to handle live groups which played for 45 minute gigs each! Big Daddy was there to help with the electronic end of things!  Featured bands were:Wicked Garden Gnomes, Undercover, No Pressure, Them Seeds, Loaded Dice, The Action, Rumble Seat, and the Matt Sams Band. Good, live entertainment, all day long!!!

Lots of pretty girls prancing around too, along with super food and drinks. Oh yeah, Debbie Vigliano won a trip to Scotland!!! She was really excited about THAT!!

A big thanks goes out to all the folks who helped make this annual fund raiser a smashing success…Larry and Mo Fallon…couldn’t have done it without you guys, all the H&D staff, and Harry and Debbie, you guys are angels…!! Oh yeah, that parking lot attendant was the prettiest I EVER saw!!! Thank you everyone for a tremendous, fun filled day!!! Ride safe, remember our vets, and…Stand Up For Your Country!!!

Miserable George & ValGal

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OSB 3rd Anniversary Party

Well it has been a fun packed 3 years with a magazine…

there is way more involved than I ever thought but we work our asses off to bring you events we think you will enjoy…

We at Old School Biker strive to bring you something different and real and FUN!  Please enjoy our photos and keep sharing our magazine. Something new is added all the time!

ENJOY… Valgal

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