
Leatherneck’s Annual Party by Miserable George

The weather on October 26, 2019, went from good, to bad, to worse, to thunderstorm, then, around 4PM, the clouds seemed to be breaking slightly, and I decided to boogie down to the Leatherneck’s CH on Forrest Ave. Well, the party was going, full swing…!!! The skies were actually clearing, the band, “Shovelhed” was playing, the ribs were on the BBQ…things looked good, and, they got better…no more rain all night long!!!The beautiful Elisha was washing bikes, and was busy all night long!!! There were games, drawings, etc…the usual…and the food was fantastic and yes…I did eat too much…couldn’t stop…those ribs were about the best I ever ate!! Pumpkin pie too, in keeping with the season!! As always, friendly Brothers, pretty girls, music, good food…the make-up of a damn good party…the Leatherneck’s had it all. Thank you Brothers for your hospitality…looking forward to the NEXT one!!!

Hey, stand up for your country, and, thank a vet today…without THEM, there would be no parties!!

GOD bless you all…

Miserable George

NAM  KNIGHTS…Run to the Legions by Miserable George

 Although there were a few scattered showers in the area, the weather was almost perfect for the “Run to the Legions”, sponsored by the Nam Knights of Brevard County. The run started at 359-200-348-1, and ended back at 359, where the live band, “Mid-life Crisis” entertained the large crowd. There was a Bike Show, food, 50/50, a Liquor Basket raffle, dancing, lots of cold stuff to go around, AND,  a whole host of good lookin’ ladies. I mean…what ELSE do you need…??? Folks, if you want a fun afternoon, keep track of the biker events at Post 359, on US#1, just north of Pinto’s Lounge. Remember our troops, and stand up for your country…hope to see ya’all out there soon…

Miserable George

ValGal’s Pic’s

WRECKING CREW…Grand reopening by Miserable George

September 28, 2019, was a busy day for us. It was Post 359 in the afternoon, then, down to Melbourne to the Wrecking Crew MC, for their grand RE-opening of a new clubhouse on Avenue “B”, just off Babcock, at 8PM.

Nice crowd, with several clubs represented. Tasty burgers and dogs were being grilled out front, and several other items were donated and brought in. I tell ya folks….those baked beans were fabulous…something different!!!

There was a toast for all the Bros and Sisters who showed up to support the Wrecking Crew…adult beverages, food, babes, and AC in the clubhouse…good combination for a hot summer night in Brevard County.

We’d like to thank Shawn Marshall and the whole crew for their hospitality…a perfect way to cap off a busy day. Hope to see ya next time…

Miserable George

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American Legion Reunion by Valgal with Photos by Miserable George

What better way to spend a great day than at Fox Lake Park enjoying the American Legion Reunion hosted by Post 359? Brotherhood was thick at this event, friends that ride gathered with friends that don’t and spent the day talking about old times and new… I love feeling safe and welcome when I go to events where there are a lot of people I don’t know… Everyone made us (Miserable George) feel very welcome… Thank You all for a great time and awesome food! I hope everyone enjoys our photos and if you want some let us know…

~ Valgal



Man, 18 years….hardly seems possible!!! BUT…Saturday, August 10, 2019, WAS the 18 year celebration of the Melbourne Mob, and, of course, there was a party at the clubhouse on Lincoln Ave., in Melbourne, FL. The weather looked a bit “iffy”, but held out favorably, which prompted the gathering of a pretty nice crowd. SCHD’s All-American Band provided live entertainment, while inside the CH, food was offered, along with the cold stuff. YES…they DID have my favorite…Sandra’s chicken ‘N dumplings…lots of sweet goodies too. The program HAD called for a sort of boob show…not the biggest, but, but what the crowd would call…”the best…!” Alas,no volunteers for that one!! Too bad, maybe next time. I noticed quite a few possible entries, BUT, no go!!!Well, boobs or NO boobs, it was a fun event, and as you can see, we experimented with black & white for a few of the pics. Let us know what you think of it…OK?? Our thanks to the MOB for their hospitality. Thank a vet today, and, stand up for your country…

Miserable George & ValGal

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Although the skies looked a bit threatening, and, we did indeed get rained on a little,

the Seminole WMC Chapter’s second anniversary celebration was a huge success…!!!

The Sanford Ave. Clubhouse was packed…!! Out back, the chief cooks roasted a WHOLE pig, along with some fabulous chicken, and this, combined with a huge array of other tasty morsels, made   for some mighty fine dining…!!! Lots of the cold stuff there to wash it all down with too!!!

Did I mention ladies…?? Well, they were there too…!!! Yes sir, Sanford Ave. was rockin’ on Sat., July 27, 2019. I wanna thank Chris and the whole gang for making me feel VERY welcome, and for the fabulous hospitality of ALL the group. They tell me that the party went on until the wee hours, and, I’m sorry, I DID miss a few friends who had arrived a bit later, BUT, this old guy wanted to get home before dark.

Thanks again, Brothers and Sisters for a very enjoyable day…!!!

Miserable George

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WMC Melbourne…Annual Biker Rodeo by Miserable George

May 18, 20019, saw the MOB in Melbourne gearing up for the 5th. Annual Biker Rodeo, to benefit  The Haven House for Children in Melbourne. Action began at about 4PM with the SCHD All-American Band. Yeah, it was HOT, and the love bugs didn’t make things any easier to swallow. BUT, that chicken and dumplings and all the other tasty food, WAS very easy to swallow!! Thanks to Sandra, and all the other ladies who came through with some GOOD chow!!!(As always). Plenty of cold ones were served up by the pretty, little bar- maids, Gena inside, and Annie outside…yeah, she was the “clown” with orange hair!!! There was a 50/50, and door prizes as well. The rodeo consisted of a slow race, plank ride, barrel roll, and the ever popular weenie bite. NOPE, I never did get the winners’ names!!! Call the clubhouse…I’m sure someone there has the names. As the mosquitoes began to get nasty, this old boy headed for home.

Good times…again…at the MOB in Melbourne…!!!

Hey, remember our troops, and, stand up for your country…!

Miserable George

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WMC Prisoner’s Benefit Run by Miserable George

   Back around 1997, WMC Brother, Chuckles, came up with an idea to make a stretch behind bars, maybe just a bit easier, by establishing the Prisoner Benefit Run. It was designed to raise funds which would be used to purchase much needed items which are used by inmates…items that we largely take for granted…toilet articles, certain articles of clothing, etc. Certain portions of these funds, could also be used for attorney fees, etc. The event became very successful, and has become an annual happening every April; this year, attracting a very large crowd to the Cocoa CH on SR 520. There was food, and drink…AND pretty girls, plus a large amount of BROTHERHOOD…very successful event all around, and, I was proud to have been invited…thank you, Brothers!!  

Hey, ride safe…see ya next time…

Miserable George

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Save the Clubhouse….at the MOB… by Miserable George

Well, Sat. ,April 6th. was a busy day for this old boy…we covered the Law Ride, and right after that, we boogied down to Melbourne to check out an event that the MOB had organized to “Save the Clubhouse”. Not sure what THAT means, but, there was a nice crowd there to participate. Live music…(never got the name of the band), food, drink…the works. Oh yeah, lots of gorgeous ladies too.

There will be another event coming up soon, with Biker Games….watch for that one…always exciting!

Oh, by the way, Sandra promised me Chicken ‘N Dumplings at the next event…!! Beautiful weather this time out too…hope it sticks around for awhile.

I thank the MOB for their hospitality.

Hey, thank a Vet, stand up for your country, and, we’ll see ya next time…

Miserable George

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A Patch Burning at the Mother Chapter by Miserable George

The Bike Week gathering at WMC, Lockhart, is usually a fun time, however,

this year, it was a somber day of remembering…

remembering that is, of five Brothers who had passed on to the Freebird Chapter.

Among them was Grub Freeland, founding father of the Warlocks Motorcycle Club. Grub was a Navy Vet who served on the Aircraft Carrier, U.S.S. Shangri-La, as well as duty in Vietnam. He, truly, will never be forgotten.

It was a huge crowd who came to remember the Brothers who had passed, and, during the service, a toast was drunk to honor them all. The fire was lit, and during the burning, as in most burnings, certain figures emerged from the flames…I wonder if anyone else saw them, as I did…?

Thanks to all who made this day one that we’ll always remember. GRUB, and all the Freebird Bros…Rest in Peace…

Miserable George

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