
Unchained Kings…a new twist… by Miserable George

      Anyone who ever attended a Motorcycle Club event kinda expects something….well….topless…right??? Well, at the Unchained Kings event on Oct. 23, 2021, there were NO topless occurrences of any kind!!! The whole event was set up as a sort of circus theme, with different acts taking place as the evening progressed…the main act on stage was Indigo Foxxx…a guy and gal combo who performed a host of interesting little capers, including card tricks, hypnotism, piercing, fire applications, escape artistry, and tricks on a bed of nails…all things that you would not expect at a MC Party…! There were also the Brisngr Fire Dancers, performing in memory of a fallen comrade, along with a moment of silence. Along with all this, there were the JessPaints321 Body Painters. I will admit that there were many ladies prancing around with “interesting” costumes, plus a contest for the best appearing “ghoul” , BUT…no skin…definitely a “new twist” on MC party entertainment, BUT, very enjoyable. There was a bunch of very tasty food, and of course…lots of “cold stuff”. It was fun to watch the girls get “strung up” on stage too. I had a blast, and I’d like to thank the Unchained Kings for their hospitality…a good bunch of people!! Pop in there sometime on a Wednesday evening.

OK…be safe…thank a Vet today…

Miserable George


Right about now, I believe a lot of folks are saying the same thing that I am….”Where has the time gone…??” A lot has happened in the past 20 years…new members have been added, and sadly, Patches have been burned as well. As they say…”Time marches on”…!! 

ValGal and I HEMI’d down to Melbourne under threatening skies and several fleeting showers, arriving there just as the band, SHOVELHEAD were setting up…in the rain..!!! Thankfully, the rain ended shortly thereafter, and the rest of the night was rain-free, at least while we were there!! As always, the food was tasty and plentiful, including a huge pile of pizza!!! Plenty of cold stuff to drink, and some games to keep one busy, along with a “trick bicycle”…very  hard to ride, BUT, it CAN be done. Of course, there was no shortage of gorgeous ladies too!!! All in all…a FUN time at the MOB!!! We’d like to thank all the Brothers for the work they put in to assure that everyone has a GOOD time!!! Hey, thank a VET today, and GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!

Miserable George & ValGal

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H&D ROADHOUSE….a TEN YEAR DREAM by Miserable George

     As they always say….”It seems like yesterday”, but, I met Harry Vigliano on the very day that he decided to purchase what is now H&D Roadhouse, and yes, it does seem like yesterday. When you have to ask permission to park your dilapidated van in the parking lot of a business establishment, just for a place to sleep, and then end up owning the place…well…THAT’S a dream come true…!!  Harry and wife Deb, have had a lot of luck with H&D Roadhouse, however, there have been snags and bad times as well…yes even a tragedy along the way, but, they persevered. Then in early 2020, perseverance became number one, when the Covid pandemic overtook the world. It was rough going for awhile, but Harry and Deb stuck it out, and with the support of their many friends,and staff, have succeeded in saving their hard-fought business. Sunday, March 28, 2021, a huge gathering of friends helped to celebrate 10 years of operation of H&D Roadhouse. Harry’s “Grease Pit” provided food, there were non-stop live bands all day and into the night, and some karaoke later on as well. A tremendous celebration befitting the efforts of this courageous hard working couple. GOD BLESS you guys, and we wish you many more years of success…!!!! They couldn’t have done it without the help of their fabulous staff….you guys are THE BEST…        

Miserable George & ValGal

George’s pics

Valgals Pix

Biker Bash 2020 by Valgal

Great night spent at Brevard Warlocks for the annual Biker Bash. Weather seemed to hold off the wet stuff for the night which brought friends from all over.  I saw people I have not seen in many years which warms my heart.  Cheese burgers, pork, sausage and beans was just some of the food available, always good food! I hope everyone had a good time and ride safe y’all… ENJOY!


ROSCOE’S CHILI CHALLENGE….#35 by Miserable George

     The weather for the BIG # 35 party was absolutely perfect…! My friends, Jay, Donny, and I rolled in about 10:45AM on Thursday, Nov. 5, 2020, and as always, got a perfect camping spot. Not too perfect for me, however…my new tent turned out to be too SMALL, but we managed. We got set up and kinda toured the grounds, which even on Thursday, were starting to fill up. All the food stands were operating, and if you were thirsty…well, that was available too!! Thursday was kinda quiet, however, Friday was a different story! It seemed that every time I looked at the front gate, there were several riders waiting to sign in. Over in the chili cooking area, Hank and the crew were already preparing ingredients for the big cook-out on the following day. Steve and his gang were getting the electronics all set for the bands and other stage activities. US…? Well, we toured the whole area looking for people we might know. We found them, and quite a few NEW friends. All this taking place under picture-perfect skies. Early evening saw the official welcoming ceremonies, with the presentation of the colors, and singing of the National Anthem…very moving indeed. May we never forget our men and women in the Armed Services, especially those who gave everything to preserve our country and our way of life. GOD bless them. Once the bands started, the crowd gathered in front of the stage and did what they always did…raised hell!!! Things were picking up for the many vendors who ringed the grounds. The ones I talked to, were doing OK. Saturday, I kinda slept in and missed the early morning activities, however, we made it in time for the biker games…weenie bite, slow races, etc. All events had little “twists” this year, which included topless ladies!!! Following that, it was time to eat CHILI, and eat they did! I believe all the cookers were cleaned out, with just a small portion left in Hank’s huge cauldron..!!  Some action in the Burn-out Pit, and the exciting Out-house Races, followed by the Mini-bike races rounded out  the heavy action for the day. Awards were  given out to the arm wrestlers, body painted babes, and chili cookers. Next, the show-girls did their thing up on stage, the bands started up again, people gathered in front of the stage, and the crazy partying commenced in full swing!!! It was good to see Roscoe out and about, and Pogo in his brand new kilt,  complete with all his service decorations…very impressive!!! I made the rounds, seeking out photo-opps, but was rapidly tiring out, which prompted me to curtail my activities for the day. Hey, I’m an old guy…gimme a break!!! As always, Roscoe’s hospitality was second to none. I thank his Son David, the entire crew,  and the GOOD LORD above for the fantastic weather!! We hope to do it all over again next year.

Miserable George…Old School Biker Magazine

JUST A BIT OF NOSTALGIA by Miserable George and Valgal

ValGal and I cooked up this idea to kinda help our readers pass the time of day, now that a lot of you are more or less confined to your homes. The images represent a wide array of subjects that might interest a wide array of readers. Not all will recognize every picture, but we’re hoping that at least SOME of you will. We pray that this mess will be ironed out very soon, and things will get back to “normal”…! Thank a Vet, stand up for your country, and may GOD BLESS AMERICA…!!!

Miserable George

Remembering Pearl Harbor at Post 359 by Miserable George

I was just 7 years old when Pearl Harbor was bombed, and I just can’t seem to actually remember any of it. 78 years later…today, Dec. 7, 2019, we all remembered at Post 359’s Bike Day. Of course, the younger folks didn’t recall that horrible day in our history, but, there were a few older ones there who did. There was a moment of silence to commemorate that “Day in Infamy”…The large crowd also witnessed  the presenting of a $1000 check to aid the Vietnam and all Wars Vets Moving Wall Association, by the Nam Knights MC, Brevard County Chapter, plus short talks by Veterans Assn. officials. This was a day dedicated to Veterans…as well it should be!! As always, good food and drinks were available, a 50/50, and the live band, “Mid-life Crisis” supplied excellent entertainment. As always, lots of pretty ladies prancing around…a good way to spend a Saturday afternoon…!!

Hey, stand up for your country, thank a Vet, and God Bless America…!!

Miserable George & ValGal

ROSCOE’S CHILI CHALLENGE…2019 by Miserable George

 My friend, Jay and I, rolled into Roscoe’s Chili Challenge on Thursday, Nov. 7, 2019, anticipating a crazy, action filled week-end, and, that’s exactly what we got!! It was the biggest “first day” crowd ever! Weather was good, however they did expect a cold front on Friday with possible showers, which we got Friday night. Most of the vendors were set up and doing business to the beat of live bands now performing almost non-stop, getting the growing crowd into a party mood!! As always, the body painters were busy the entire week-end, doing their usual fabulous work. A group of Vietnam Vets performed a “support tactic” that really grabbed me and many others as well. It’s because of men such as those, that we are all here today…GOD BLESS them, always. Opening ceremonies honored all branches of the Armed Forces, the National Anthem, Taps, the unfurling of a brand new American flag, as well as several patriotic songs….and, NO ONE “took a knee”…!!  Saturday started out with a corn-hole tourney, and across the way…CHILI was now being brewed…ahhh, what an aroma!! Next came the Outhouse Nationals, the burn-out pit, mini-bike racing, and a bike show…all leading up to sampling of the now-ready CHILI!!! AND…Jennie finally got me my de-caf coffee!! What a darling she was!!! More live music, then, trophy and awards presentations!! Famed MC, Pogo, had the ladies all fired up to the delight of the crowd, and, they even got Roscoe up on stage to give him a hand. The usual huge Sat. night crowd took over in front of the main stage, and, the PARTY was ON!!! I wanna thank Roscoe, David, Steve, (and Steve), and all the folks who helped make the Chili Challenge another fabulous success. If I forgot anyone, (or anything), I certainly do apologize. Thanks JAY for the loan of a huge tent, and all the help you gave me. Hope to see you all next year…

Miserable George

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UNCHAINED KINGS…second annual party by Miserable George

The Unchained Kings celebrated their second year anniversary with a blow-out on Nov.2, at their CH on Coconut Dr. in Cocoa, Fl. Helping in the festivities were Warlocks MC, Fallen Few MC, Wrecking Crew, U.S. Military Vets MC, Armed Forces MC,  Shadow Hunterz MC, Road Tramps MC (from NY), a Bro from the Scorpions MC (from LA,Cal.) Spirit Riders MC, and a rep from B.A.C.A. Entertaining the gang was Kel-Marie & Canaan, a pleasing duo, belting out what I call contemporary sounds…very relaxing. There was a slow race out on Coconut Dr., and back on the grounds, a burn-out contest. Smoky, but fun!! A set of Jenga Blocks kept several people busy for a time as well. I was busy eye-ballin’ the bar maids who did a few numbers on the pole…HOT!!! Thanks, Mylo and Amber!!! There were several door prizes, and some very tasty food. All in all, an enjoyable way to spend an evening. I’d like to thank 350 and the whole crew for their hospitality. BTW, their CH is open every Wed. at 8PM if ya feel like socializing. Stand up for your country, and, thank a Vet. today….

Miserable George

US Military Vets Party by Valgal

US Military Vets… Another awesome party… Sorry these pictures are late… This day was a fabulous day… great people, loved the venue at Camp Holly on 192… We saw a snake enjoying the music… Thank you Twisted Minds Inc. for being our snake charmers !!! And Frank for saving the day… We look forward to next year!

