
LEATHERNECKS MC 2019 by Miserable George

We had just gotten wind of this event about a week ago, and,

knowing of the Leathernecks MC’s reputation of throwing a GOOD party….well we checked it out, and certainly were NOT disappointed…!

As always, the food and liquids were top notch, along with a new pop-corn machine, and of course…the infamous BIKE-WASH GIRLS!!!! Elle and Elisha were busy all during the party time…hey, I even had MY HEMI washed…! Folks, when you hear of a Leatherneck’s gig…make sure you don’t miss it….these men are primo!!!  Thanks for your hospitality, Leathernecks, and let us know when the next event comes up. Ride safe everyone, and stand up for your country…

Miserable George

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Wreaths Across America…2018 by Miserable George

Despite a very dismal weather day in Brevard County,

the Wreaths Across America event at Cape Canaveral National Cemetery, on Sat., Dec. 15th., was a tremendous success!!

A huge crowd made their way from the out-lying parking areas, to the center of the activities, to witness the delivery of the MANY wreaths by a large semi truck, escorted by the Patriot Guard Riders…very inspirational…!! There was the Presentation of the Colors, several talks by military dignitaries, and the singing of the National Anthem by a sweet teenage girl, delivery of the Special Commemorative Wreaths by a horse drawn carriage, and Taps to end the program. All this, during a nagging drizzle, which thankfully ended as the folks began placing the wreaths on the graves.

I saw many tears among the participants, but I believe for many, it brought at least SOME closure…GOD bless our military…both living, and those who have crossed over…this is truly a very inspirational event…

Miserable George

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The MOB-For the Kids by Miserable George

Saturday, Dec. 15th., started out rainy and miserable, but, as the day progressed, the weather DID improve somewhat to the point of…”no rain”…!!

ValGal and I met up at the MOB’s clubhouse in Melbourne, where the live band “Cowboyz N Alianz” was already jammin’, and the aroma of fresh food wafted out of the clubhouse, mixed with the giggles of the many pretty babes trotting around the yard…hey, party ingredients , if you ask me!!!!Not to mention the lovely GINA, manning the inside bar. “Animal” had a hand in cooking today…his special brand of potatoes were sensational!!! Lots of sweet goodies too…if…yer into that!!! I’m NOT!!!

This event was staged to acquire toys for the kids of downed Brothers, as well as other local little ones in the area, and by the looks of the pile on the sign-in table, it was a success!!

As always, we wanna thank all the WMC Bros and Sisters who helped to make our day an enjoyable one.

Remember our vets, and, stand up for your country!!!

GOD Bless America!!!!

Miserable & ValGal

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WARM-FULL-SAFE by Miserable George

……..National Veterans Homeless Support…protecting and aiding our Vets….

The weather for the 9th. Annual Warm-Full-Safe Run, could not have been better, helping to get over 200 riders on the road to aid our Veterans!! I caught up with a large group of the riders out at Lone Cabbage Fish Camp, and I believe the scenery out there alone, was enough to really get them “spirited” for the ride ahead.  I returned home for a quick bite to eat, then on up to Post #1, just north of Titusville, on US#1, to capture the ending of the run.

I understand there was a minor mishap on the road, but, I was unable to get any details…hoping everyone was OK. The aroma of food cooking, plus the sounds of the Spanks Band, greeted me as I arrived, a witness to a huge throng of brothers and sisters…there to help the Homeless Vets, and help they did to the tune of over $10,000…well done folks!!! Door prizes, a raffle, and the 50/50 drawing, kind of rounded out the day. A big THANKS to all who contributed…you will not be forgotten!! GOD BLESS our Vets…and hey…Stand up for your country…

Miserable George & ValGal

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RAMBLING ON SATURDAY with ValGal, & Miserable

I had never seen “Drifters” in person before, so, when Val mentioned that they were gonna run at Space Coast HD on Sat. Aug. 11, 2018, I agreed to pop in and see what it was all about. Small, stock looking cars basically ran, and drifted side-ways over a marked course…not turning the corners, BUT, sliding and DRIFTING around them…! Lots of noise and smoke, AND, there was an element of excitement!!

This, plus live music, liquid refreshment, food, and of course…a few babes too, made for an enjoyable time at SCHD. Big thanks to Tim Bishop for his hospitality, as well as the hot dog guys…thanks again guys.

    Our next stop this day, was at the Melbourne Mob’s 17th. Anniversary Party at their CH on Lincoln. Live band all day…fabulous food, as always, plenty to drink, and of course…the little darlings were prancing around all day too!! Nice crowd…the back field was literally covered with bikes, and, for a change…NICE WEATHER…!!! (But, HOT). The AC in the CH certainly provided some relief…as did the cute bar-maids!!! Oh yeah, there was a Dunk Tank outside too. That must have felt pretty good to the Brother who got “dunked” a few times!!

Our THANKS to the “MOB” for their hospitality too….

All in all, a pretty lively day for this old boy and ValGal. Remember…stand up for your country, and as always…ride safe…

ValGal and Miserable George

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ROSCOE’S CHILI CHALLENGE…2017 by Miserable George

We pulled into ROSCOE’S CHILI CHALLENGE…2017 on Thursday morning at 10AM, and, the place was already bustling with activity…bikes moving in and out, campers setting up for the week-end, vendors preparing for business, the sound man hooking up the system…etc!!! Looked good!!! Best part was, the food vendors were open!!! After setting up our camp, my partners, Jay and Donny, and I, made a bee-line for John’s Heavenly Hotdogs and pigged out!!! Later, I traversed the perfectly manicured camping area, looking for people that I might know…and…I found them!!  It’s nice hooking up with friends that you’ve not seen in about year. I might add, that the weather was perfect!! Also, time for this old guy to rest up for a big day on Friday!!

    No actual events planned for Friday, but, there was live music, and a pretty steady stream of riders entering, and searching out that “perfect” camping spot! I might add here, that the main camp area was serviced by 50 Potra-lets, as was the more “primitive” area across the bridge, and the main vendor and activities areas in front of the stage. The units were serviced regularly too!!! Several good eating stands, a bar for adult beverages, as well as

MANY merchandise vendors…jewelry, biker related items, T-shirts, a lady sewing on patches, a man doing pin-striping, and a very interesting Kettle Corn thing, ,managed by 2 gorgeous babes, turning out bushels of pop corn!! I probably missed a few…sorry!!

    Saturday morning saw the on-going horseshoe matches, plus…of course…the cooking of the chili. Li’l Hank had the big Roscoe cauldron bubbling away in no time!! Meanwhile, across the yard, Geoff was getting the biker games started. Slow race, weenie bite, and of course, the biggie…the Out-house Races!! Pretty soon,

the aroma of fresh cooked chili took over, and the crowd formed long lines to get some and DIG IN!!! Again, several different varieties of home-made RED to suit everyone’s taste!!

And again…I over-did it!!! AND…free beer to wash it all down!! Following the scarfing down of the chili, the mini-bikes started warming up for some exciting racing…in a new location this year, but, none-the-less exciting. One guy got knocked clean out…he was OK, but a bit rattled!!! After a period of rest and relaxation, there was arm wrestling, a tattoo contest, a body paint contest, and this year…yes…a “Beauty Contest”, plus lots of pole dancing. Trophies and awards were given out for all the competitive events. The official welcoming events included the National Anthem, and playing of “Taps”, plus a display of all the U.S. service banners…a very emotional tribute to our Armed Forces…no “kneelers” here!!! Live music continued till the wee hours, and, all too soon, another edition of Roscoe’s Chili Challenge was history!!  We had a blast, and, working with Don Rogers from Easyriders Magazine was a pleasure too!!  My thanks to David, Roscoe, Pogo, Mike, Geoff, Steve, Liz, and the entire crew who made this a Chili Challenge to remember. Also “Little Girl”, Laura, Kim, Tammy, and Kayla, and all the other ladies who really sparked up my time at the big party. If I forgot anything…please forgive me! Looking forward to my 27th. party next year. Hey, ride safe, remember our vets…

Miserable George

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Although there was a prediction of some rain in the area, the Space Coast ANNUAL  Leathernecks MC party stayed high and dry!!!  

From 3PM on, on May 20th., 2017, the Forrest Ave location in Cocoa, FL was buzzing…

good crowd, the band-”Worthington”-lots of food and drink, bike wash babes, and this year, a certified HD mechanic, just in case someone had problems, OR, for an oil change…etc!!!

Also, a 50/50, plus a gun raffle!! Speaking of food…they had some of the BEST beef I ever ate…kudos to THAT cook!!!!

We ran into some long lost friends too, as we usually do at these events…!!

I believe the Leathernecks have another event coming up later on this season….watch for it…!!

We’d like to thank the crew for their hospitality, as well as the veterans for their service!!! GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!

Miserable George & ValGal

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